Pour lutter contre les contenus haineux, trompeurs ou le spam, Facebook a multiplié, quasiment depuis sa création, les allers-retours concernant ses pratiques et ses outils.
This article discusses Facebook and Instagram's long-standing struggle with content moderation.
The main conceptual idea is that Facebook has continuously experimented with different approaches and tools to combat harmful content, moving between manual and automated methods. Initially, Facebook heavily invested in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms as a seemingly perfect solution for detecting and removing problematic content at scale. However, the article implies that this approach has had its challenges and hasn't fully resolved the complexities of content moderation.
This article discusses Facebook and Instagram's long-standing struggle with content moderation. The main conceptual idea is that Facebook has continuously experimented with different approaches and tools to combat harmful content, moving between manual and automated methods. Initially, Facebook heavily invested in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms as a seemingly perfect solution for detecting and removing problematic content at scale. However, the article implies that this approach has had its challenges and hasn't fully resolved the complexities of content moderation.